of Teaching: Free Microsoft Power point TM presentations
Abacus, The- Instructions on how to use a real abacus, and a chance to play with the online Java model.
About Rainbows - A detailed explanation of rainbows, complete with diagrams, as ways for teachers to demonstrate them in a classroom.
African American Faces of Science - biographical information on African American men and women who have contributed to the advancement of science and engineering.
Aurora Page, The - links that have information on the aurora borealis or northern lights. - Earthquake news & links to pages containing Volcanoes, Astronomy, Geology, and Weather
DOE - Information Bridge - over 24,000 scientific and technical reports from the U.S. Department of Energy.
Dr. Bob's Geologic Time Page - features mnemonic devices that can be used to help remember the order that the periods and epochs occurred.
Dynamic World - Earth Science page about earthquakes, El Niño, Volcanoes, & Weather - data on thousands of materials, refreshers on engineering formulas and math - provides information resources related to today's science news. (astronomy, earth science, weather, biology, and much more!) back to top
Explore Science - This site is one of the best I've come across for explaining scientific concepts. Simple Shockwave demos help explain mechanics, life sciences, waves, and more.
Explorit Science Center - A very cool site with tons of information!
Everyday Science - Site helps you learn about the science in our everyday lives. Everyday Science appeals to a general audience and is of special interest for a family audience.
Extreme Science - provides pictures, short informational paragraphs, types of scientists who study these phenomena, and where to go for more information.
Fractals - The Fractory - An interactive tool for creating and exploring fractals
Fundamental Physical Constants - Recommended Values
Galileo Project, The - learn all about Galileo's life and times
Geologic Ages of Earth History - table denotes when dinosaurs existed, and may be downloaded as an Excel worksheet. back to top
Geologylink - daily geo-news updates, discussion forums, an expansive directory of links, virtual field trips, geology classes, and a glossary.
Hubble Space Telescope Home Page - Space Telescope Science Institute
Interactive Statistical Calculation Pages - "The web pages listed here comprise a powerful, conveniently-accessible, and FREE multi-platform statistical software package. There are also links to online statistics books, tutorials, downloadable software, and related resources.
Laws List - Laws, rules, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants, experiments, & thought-experiments in physics.
MathMol cool site about molecules & math (many on-line activities)
Nano SuperComputer - The Dream Team - NanoTechnology Magazine
NASA - Johnson Space Center - NASA Area Nanotechnology Study Group
Natural History Museums and Collections - collection of Web-connected natural history museums around the world. Organized by country.
Nine Planets - "The Nine Planets: Multimedia Tour"
Bill Nye The Science Guy
Ocean Adventure - "Take a virtual journey to hydrothermal vents in the sunless depths of the world's oceans. back to top
Pfizer Fun Zone - science-oriented games, experiments and other resources designed to appeal to kids of all ages, as well as their parents.
Quantum Computing Tutorials - future of computer technology, courtesy of the Centre for Quantum Computation at the University of Oxford. - guide to radioactive waste, nuclear, radiation and environmental resources on the internet.
SciCentral - gateway to over 50,000 sites pertaining to over 120 specialties in science and engineering.
Science and Nature for Kids - The Mining Company
Science and Technology - Virtual Encyclopedia
Science Friday - Ira Flatow, the host of the popular Science Fridays radio show on National Public Radio, has taken his program to the Internet.
Science Frontiers - A digest of reports describing 1800 scientific anomalies.
Science Learning Network - a great site that I check out regularly
Science of Particles, The - site provides an explanation of particle physics, "the science of the fundamental nature of matter."
SciTech Daily Review - an updated report of science news and reviews
Sunspots - The Exploratorium's Guide to Sunspots
Technocopia - This consumer-oriented site provides information and opinions about the growing role of technology in our everyday lives.
This Dynamic Earth: The Story of Plate Tectonics - complete text and figures from this book published by the U.S. Geological Survey.
UniScience - Research News from American Universities
Virology on the WWW - Virology related Web sites that might be of interest to our fellow virologists, and others interested in learning more about viruses
Virtual Earthquake - an interactive site designed to introduce you to the concepts of how an earthquake epicenter is located and how the Richter magnitude of an earthquake is determined.
Virtual Lab - launch metal balls and fry electrical circuits to your heart's content without risking life and limb.
Volcanoes Online - What is a volcano? How are they are formed? Find out here, and then test your knowledge with online games and multiple-choice quizzes.
WWW Virtual Library: History of Science, Technology and Medicine
The World of Amber - Learn all about amber.
Tidewater Community College (Virginia) Geophysical Sciences Dept. back to top
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